Giving Time is a nursing consultancy service that assists older citizens to access first class support. Founded aged care specialist, Kaye Davies, it’s designed to help you naviga... [read more]
Nationwide Charitable Trust connecting families with GrandFriends (our Senior Community) to provide companionship, support and to ease social isolation and loneliness in our communities... [read more]
Hono Mai provides helpful prompts for thinking about how to maintain social connections as you age, plus links to relevant website, and a range of resources to help you plan and explore... [read more]
Independent Living offers a range of products and advice to help people maintain independence. They have a stores around Auckland selling a range of helpful products – from mobili... [read more]
Occupational Therapy supports people to engage in activities they need or want to do following or during a health challenge. This support may take many forms but generally includes a mi... [read more]
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