Lifestyle Lawns Ltd provides Premier Lawn Mowing Service in South Auckland. Your go-to lawn mowing experts in South Auckland, Papakura, Takanini, Manurewa, and Karaka. With over 30 year... [read more]

Occupational Therapy supports people to engage in activities they need or want to do following or during a health challenge. This support may take many forms but generally includes a mi... [read more]

09 576 555409 576 5554
027 282 8485 or 027 467 7626027 282 8485 or 027 467 7626
We’re Friendly, Affordable and we’ll Brighten your day. FAB Drivers provide three friendly and affordable services in East Auckland – Companion Driving, caring in-home assistance ... [read more]

The Auckland Libraries service offers a free home delivery service for people who are unable to visit the library due to mobility, access or other special circumstances. Members are abl... [read more]

Age Concern Auckland is a charity providing specialised services and support for over 65’s. Our vital work includes: Social Work Support, Elder Abuse Response Service, a Visiting... [read more]

0800 273 2220800 273 222
Providing peer support services to women experiencing breast cancer in New Zealand. Our trained volunteers have ‘been there too’ and can help support you. East Auckland supp... [read more]

We support and advocate for Deaf and hard of hearing New Zealanders.People with hearing loss often feel isolated from everyday life. That’s why, for over 40 years, NFDHH has been helpin... [read more]

0800 STROKE (0800 78 76 53)0800 STROKE (0800 78 76 53)
We support and assist you and your family after a stroke, and help all New Zealanders keep safe from stroke. ... [read more]

Nationwide Charitable Trust connecting families with GrandFriends (our Senior Community) to provide companionship, support and to ease social isolation and loneliness in our communities... [read more]

Graeme Diver – 027 472 8033Graeme Diver – 027 472 8033
U3A (University of the Thrid Age) is a worldwide movement bringing ‘third agers’ (aged 55 plus) together to meet new friends, have fun and follow new passions. ... [read more]

915 0822915 0822
021 761 814021 761 814
Are you an established professional who wants to make positive changes in your community and the world? Our club members are dedicated people who share a passion for community service a... [read more]

Grey Power is dedicated to the welfare, interests and concerns of the many people who are over 50 years and is a neutral but assertive voice of influence in the political arena with no ... [read more]

SeniorNet Pakuranga offers Seniors a place to learn about today’s technology including Computers, Smart Phones, Tablets and Smart TV. ... [read more]

CrossNet is a network of community minded people in East Auckland and has become an important Community Hub for those committed to building community by supporting each other, using the... [read more]

We encourage people to come earlier to see Floral Show bench displays. Many members bring their lunch at 12 noon and share time together. We have a mixture of activities offering demons... [read more]

Probus club in East Auckland. Social club for professional, business and retired or semi retired people. Not a service club, more for fun. Guest speakers, trips, ten-pin bowling and rum... [read more]

Located in Half Moon Bay, Probus is a social club for professional, business and retired or semi- retired women.Come along for fun, fellowship, trips, guest speakers etc. ... [read more]

SAANZ connects and support South Asian New Zealanders to engage, act, achieve and enjoy a sense of well-being and enhanced quality of life. ... [read more]

Gained life experience? Now have leisure time? Want to keep learning? Want to meet new people? Then u3a Pakuranga could be for YOU! u3a Pakuranga is a community group that provides a... [read more]

Howick Bowling Club has been going for over 100 years and is the biggest and one of the top clubs in Auckland. Set near the historical village of Howick the club has three grass and two... [read more]