Age Concern Auckland is a charity providing specialised services and support for over 65’s. Our vital work includes: Social Work Support, Elder Abuse Response Service, a Visiting... [read more]

Senior citizens can travel for free on trains, selected bus and ferry services in Auckland, after 9am weekdays and all day weekends and public holidays with an AT HOP card loaded with a... [read more]

The Auckland Libraries service offers a free home delivery service for people who are unable to visit the library due to mobility, access or other special circumstances. Members are abl... [read more]

Probus Club in East Auckland. Social club for professional, business and retired or semi retired people. Not a service club, more for fun. Guest speakers, trips etc. ... [read more]

Probus is all about enjoying the friendship of like-minded people. Members get to know active retirees in our community ... [read more]

0800 273 2220800 273 222
Providing peer support services to women experiencing breast cancer in New Zealand. Our trained volunteers have ‘been there too’ and can help support you. East Auckland supp... [read more]

533 5666533 5666
Probus club in Bucklands Beach / Pakuranga. Social club for professional, business and retired or semi retired people. Not a service club, more for fun. Guest speakers, trips etc ... [read more]

624 1368624 1368
021 052 0930021 052 0930
The Chinese Positive Ageing Charitable Trust was established to assist with the physical and psychological well-being of Chinese seniors in New Zealand. It aims to enhance the holistic ... [read more]

CrossNet is a network of community minded people in East Auckland and has become an important Community Hub for those committed to building community by supporting each other, using the... [read more]

0800 948 4320800 948 432
Driving Miss Daisy is ideal if you don’t drive or no longer drive at night or greater distances. It provdes transport and extra support to help you get out and about, including go... [read more]

A primary health care provider including doctors (GPs), nurses and other health professionals who work together across the East Auckland area. ... [read more]

0800 328 3330800 328 333
Every week, EAT makes a fresh batch of handmade meals using only good ingredients and great cooking! They’re delivered fresh, not frozen, so you can have a fresh meal that’s... [read more]

09 576 555409 576 5554
027 282 8485 or 027 467 7626027 282 8485 or 027 467 7626
We’re Friendly, Affordable and we’ll Brighten your day. FAB Drivers provide three friendly and affordable services in East Auckland – Companion Driving, caring in-home assistance ... [read more]

Probus club in East Auckland. Social club for professional, business and retired or semi retired people. Not a service club, more for fun. Guest speakers, trips, ten-pin bowling and rum... [read more]

Freedom Drivers provide a caring, friendly and reliable alternative to taxis. If you need extra help, they’ll assist you from your door to the car, accompany you to appointments o... [read more]

Giving Time is a nursing consultancy service that assists older citizens to access first class support. Founded aged care specialist, Kaye Davies, it’s designed to help you naviga... [read more]

Nationwide Charitable Trust connecting families with GrandFriends (our Senior Community) to provide companionship, support and to ease social isolation and loneliness in our communities... [read more]

0800 803 2000800 803 200
Founded in 1991 to bring gardening and lawn mowing services to Kiwis, Greenacres now has over 70,000 regular customers and is New Zealand’s largest and most trusted cleaning compa... [read more]

Grey Power is dedicated to the welfare, interests and concerns of the many people who are over 50 years and is a neutral but assertive voice of influence in the political arena with no ... [read more]

Located in Half Moon Bay, Probus is a social club for professional, business and retired or semi- retired women.Come along for fun, fellowship, trips, guest speakers etc. ... [read more]

0800 248 2290800 248 229
From property maintenance to home renovations, Hire a Hubby’s experienced network of professionals has the contacts, equipment and know-how to help you nail every project. ... [read more]